Who Can Benefit.....

Musical Artist - If you have a band and you have a following or just want to increase your awareness. A simple QR code that could be displayed on stage is an excellent way create impulse purchases. Your fans will be able to make immediate purchases on line. Start with a page on Eiznek and receive a commission for each purchase. Our full ecommerce program is also an excellent program that blends in with you current web site.

Artist - If you are a starving artist trying to make your way in the world or a successful artist living the dream in paradise. We can get your work out their without watering down your brand. The full ecommerce program could enhance your brand further. 

Schools - Schools offer a tremendous opportunity with our products. It could be for a school fund raising program. Individual team products and spirit gear are always in demand. This could be incorporated into the school bookstore in order to offer a wider variety of products without the investment normally needed. The full ecommerce program would make a nice addition to the bookstore.

Gift and Souvenir Stores - We see a great opportunity to change the old way of purchasing products for your store. We can create specific products just for you. We offer hundreds of products to choose from, along with your custom products you will always have something new to offer to your customers. You understand you market better than anyone and we understand how to make products for your market. Let's talk!

Pubs and Bars - Everyone wants a t-shirt from their favorite bar. How about a couple decals or even a sign. Your customer can order these products here after they have had a few cold ones. You can have a small inventory in your business and order to replace as needed. No need to print a large amount of anything, unless your sales already demand that investment.

Sports Teams - Everyone that participates in any sports understands the power of the team and they want to win. They also want to show their pride and support by what they are wearing or what is on the the back window of their car.
Kids team also have parents and grandparents that are very proud of their kid.
We offer multiple products that parents and grandparents would love to have. 
You can ow make these products available.

Car Clubs - We like cars and have hundreds of products for many makes and models. We know car club members are super proud of their cars. We can provide products and the members can upload any photo to create that special item to be displayed proudly in their home or garage. Endless possibilities for your car club.

Restaurants - If you are a chain restaurant allow us to create a full ecommerce web site that offers fun stuff your customers would love to have. Maybe a small display in each store for immediate purchases. Do you offer a reward program? We can offer a wide variety of products. We can also handle all fulfillment to make sure your customer receives their reward. We would love to talk with you further.

Police and Fire Depts. - Our first responders and their families are not just a market but they are looking for merchandise they can wear, display and give away. This provides them a way to participate and to feel they are supporting not just family members but all first responders. We can provide those products for departments to offer their officers, firefighter, EMT and their families. Use this as a fund raiser or just a tool for officer moral. 

There is no risk with Eiznek, but there is a tremendous opportunity. Sign up today and we will contact you. We are excited to get to know you and discuss the possibilities.